The year is 2008. A home in Moreno Valley has just been forclosed upon, an underage girl in Thailand raped, yet meanwhile on a remote Micronesian island one man waits.
He sits at the waters edge with his legs crossed and back to the islands dense jungle looking East as the sun rises over the warm pacific ocean. 100 meters off shore waves barrel across a shallow coral reef. He is alone on this island.
Back home they will say he is running from something, but he knows why he has come. He finds himself here on a personal quest, his own right of passage. He's searching for that one perfect ride....
As he sits on the beach he debates paddling out. Tides to low, winds a bit too Northerly.
"Faccckkkkk." he says to himself.
At this he reaches into the right pocket of his Volcom board shorts and retrieves a pack of Bali Shag rolling tobacco. He removes a paper and cups it between his thumb and forefinger.
Another perfect left barrels over the reef.
He reaches back into his pocket and pulls out a ziploc bag full of Indonesia's finest Kush. He prefers Kush as it helps him relax when life gets eggy. He removes three leafy nugs from the bag and places them inside his Bali Shag paper. He doesnt bother to break them up, it is early in the morning. He then roughly places the fine Dutch tobacco in the paper along side his three nugs. He uses his tanned delicate fingers to tightly roll the paper licking and sealing it once acheiving the desired form. He stares a moment and admires his work, not many people can roll a splee like he can.
As perfect 6-8 foot waves peel in the distance he stands and smokes his spliff. Sometimes he hits nug, sometimes just tobacco. But here on this island, there are no worries.
He grabs his board under his left arm and takes three steps toward the water. He then takes the last drag of his splee and exhales....
"Faaaaccckkkkkk." He says. "Over it."
At this he sits back down and reaches into the pocket of his boardshorts for the Bali Shag and fine Indonesian Kush......
haha this should be called "searching for dshea"
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